7. SEEd random number generator seed
Setting this parameter to a non-'off' value will ensure that any random events or choices in your song play out the exact same way every time. E.g. with a setting that is not 'off', the same pseudo-random sequence will be followed for random events in your song (such as conditionals) from the start of your song to the end of your song. You may choose from 32767 of these "fixed" pseudo-random sequences. For true unpredictable events, keep this setting at 'off'.
Fixing the random number generator is only applicable for songs played back in Song Mode and does not apply to Live/Scene or Track editing modes.
The SEEd parameter - if enabled - affects;
- Legato probability (8/Pc on a track's 'Pich' page)
- Portamento probability (6/Sn on a track's 'Pich' page)
- LFO phase randomization for LFO retriggering of ALFO, PLFO and FLFO
- 25/50/75% step trigger probability 'do' conditionals
- Chord inversion randomization
You may also be interested in...
- Conditional triggering and modification (under Guides, tutorials and docs)
'do'; specifies the modification that should be made if the condition is satisfied.
- Without conditional triggering (under Example)
- Conditional triggering and modification (under Quick start guide and video)
If not already on the sequencer page ('Seq') turn the value knob until the sequencer page is selected.
- With conditional triggering and modification (under Example)
The exact same basic 16-step (1-bar) pattern with all elements being conditionally triggered and modified.
- Example (under Conditional triggering and modification)
This example demonstrates a typical use of conditional triggering and modification.