1. bPM song tempo

Song's global tempo in beats per minute (range 80-260). Many time- or tempo-based settings and parameters derive their tempo from this one setting.

Note that BPM settings below 80 will reduce the available options for tempo-synced delay lengths. Delay lengths for the delay units (under 1/Cd and 5/Ki on the Song's effect "EFct" page) will be automatically adjusted down to accommodate very slow BPMs (and therefore very long delays).

2. root song scale root note

Song scale's root note.

3. ScaL song scale, tonality or mode

Song scale, tonality or mode. The following scales, tonalities and modes are available;

  • "MAJ" Major ("Happy")
  • "nMin" Natural minor
  • "hMin" Harmonic minor ("Latin", "Spanish", "Arabic")
  • "MMin" Melodic minor (Jazz, Film scoring)
  • "MAPE" Major pentatonic
  • "MiPE" Minor pentatonic
  • "hirA" Hirajoshi
  • "MiyA" In scale / Miyako-bushi
  • "inSE" Insen
  • "iwAto" Iwato
  • "yo" Yo
  • "dori" Dorian
  • "Phry" Phrygian
  • "Mi][" Mixolidyan
  • "Locr" Locrian
  • "FLAM" Flamenco
  • "GyPS" Gypsy
  • "hFdM" Half diminished
  • "PErS" Persian
  • "UkrA" Ukrainian

4. FrE.C free chord selection and playback

By default, a chord's root note will always conform to the key/scale you chose for your song upon playback (you may still program an root note that does not fit the scale). For example, with the default C major scale, possible chord root notes are always the white keys of an imaginary piano (e.g. C, D, E, F, G, A, B) but not the black keys.

Changing the root note of a chord by editing a step on the chord track, will normally always sound/play the closest "legal" note of your chosen key/scale/mode. So if you would, for example, choose a root note of C sharp for a song that is in the key of C major, your Woovebox will play a chord with a C root note (closest "legal" note for that scale), and not a C sharp (which is an "illegal" note for that scale).

Setting FrE.C to 'yes' option allows for turning this behavior off, and allow you to freely play back (not just program) chords with root notes that are out-of-scale.

5. noi.F Noise Floor

Sets a base noise floor (0-127) below which artificially introduced noise is always audible. A slight base noise floor can be instrumental in emulating vinyl or tape hiss.

6. noi.c Noise Character

Sets the character of the artificially introduced noise floor. Lower values exhibit a subtle high frequency periodicity, found in some vintage analog equipment such as record players. Higher values tend to whiter noise.

7. SEEd random number generator seed

Setting this parameter to a non-'off' value will ensure that any random events or choices in your song play out the exact same way every time. E.g. with a setting that is not 'off', the same pseudo-random sequence will be followed for random events in your song (such as conditionals) from the start of your song to the end of your song. You may choose from 32767 of these "fixed" pseudo-random sequences. For true unpredictable events, keep this setting at 'off'.

Fixing the random number generator is only applicable for songs played back in Song Mode and does not apply to Live/Scene or Track editing modes.

The SEEd parameter - if enabled - affects;

  • Legato probability (8/Pc on a track's 'Pich' page)
  • Portamento probability (6/Sn on a track's 'Pich' page)
  • LFO phase randomization for LFO retriggering of ALFO, PLFO and FLFO
  • 25/50/75% step trigger probability 'do' conditionals
  • Chord inversion randomization

9. MC.th Master Compressor threshold

Sets the threshold (0-100) above which the master compressor/limiter should kick in. 0 means always on (compression of any signal), 100 means always off (signal never high enough to start compression).

10. MC.th Master Compressor ratio

Sets the compression ratio for the master compressor. A value of 1 effectively turns off the compressor. A value higher than 12 (for a 1:12 compression ratio) is generally considered to act as a limiter, rather than a compressor.

11. MC.th Master Compressor attack

Specifies how fast the master compressor/limiter should respond to the threshold being exceeded, enabling compression.

12. MC.th Master Compressor release

Specifies how fast the master compressor/limiter should respond to the signal dipping below the threshold, disabling compression.

13. Sync analog sync pulse

Your Woovebox can output an analog sync pulse via a breakout cable plugged into the headphone jack. The pulsing starts and stops as you start or stop playback.

Note that enabling 'Sync' without using the breakout cable, may cause a faint clicking noise. Therefore, keep this setting at 'off' if the breakout cable is not in use.

See also the connecting other gear section.

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Pocket Animal Audio Pty. Ltd.

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