- Song mode
- Context menu
Context menu
Song mode's 'GLob' and 'Efct' pages have a context menu with a number of globally-relevant song-related options;
- 'duMP SonG' (dump song) dumps song the song as a SYSEX file to any connected MIDI devices. If connected to Wooveconnect, the SYSEX file is made available as a download, and the song is further rendered as a .WAV audio file (see also song backup, digital song and stem rendering).
- 'duMP StMd' (dump stems dry) dumps song the song as a SYSEX file to any connected MIDI devices. If connected to Wooveconnect, the SYSEX file is made available as a download, and the song's stems is further rendered as sixteen separate a .WAV audio files (see also song backup, digital song and stem rendering) without effects applied.
- 'duMP StMW' (dump stems wet) dumps song the song as a SYSEX file to any connected MIDI devices. If connected to Wooveconnect, the SYSEX file is made available as a download, and the song's stems is further rendered as sixteen separate a .WAV audio files (see song backup, digital song and stem rendering) with effects applied.
- 'Init SonG' (initialize song) clears the song in its entirety (clearing all patterns and track settings) and configures all tracks with defaults.
- 'dSP InFo' (DSP load information) selects various modes of DSP load information display options (see understanding DSP load).
- 'Mirr dvcE' (device mirroring) toggles device mirroring on and off. Device mirroring is used in conjunction with Wooveconnect to show a live virtual representation of your Woovebox. Turn this option off if device mirroring is not needed in order to reduce MIDI bandwidth usage and/or congestion issues.
- 'norM MVoL' (normalize track master volumes) scales the Master Volume setting (as found on each track's 'GLob' page under the 1/Cd key) across all tracks evenly, so that the maximum volume used by any of the tracks is always 127 (max). This is to ensure maximum dynamic range is used. The amount raised is shown upon invocation. If the maximum dynamic range was already being used, the function returns 'IS MaX'.
- 'undo' (undo) reverts back to the song's state before the last save event.
You may also be interested in...
- "Your Words Against My Words" Song SYX (under Example songs and patches .SYX files)
Demonstrated are; 100% real-time synthesized song from basic waveforms and white noise; strictly no samples were used for this track.
- The Woovebox song writing recipe (under Full song writing)
These individual patterns on individual tracks are then served together as song fragments in Song mode.
- Workflow (under The very basics)
Generally, a workflow will look like; Select a song to work on.
- Auditioning (under Tracks)
If the current (or last) selected track was the lead (Ld) track, pressing 1-16 will allow you to play the lead sound.
- Songs (under The very basics)
To select a song to work on, hold play and press 1-16 to select Song 1-16.