Conditional triggering and modification

An essential part of creating songs on your Woovebox that sound polished, is conditional triggering and modification.

As the name implies, conditional triggering and modification allows you to trigger and modify notes and samples under certain conditions.

Using conditional triggering and modification, you can create complex, changing patterns from just 16 steps that keep your listener's interest. Some common examples include;

  • Complex arpeggios
  • Drum fills
  • Hi-hat ratchets
  • Snare rolls
  • Bass or lead slides
  • Crash cymbal triggering on every nth pattern playthrough
  • Note pitch changes

To demonstrate, let's add a crash cymbal that only plays once every 4 pattern playthroughs on the 'Pc' ("percussion") track;

Switch to the 'Pc' track by holding the value knob and pressing 8/Pc. If not already on the sequencer page ('Seq') turn the value knob until the sequencer page is selected. You can also use the shortcut that continuously toggles between the 'Seq' page and any other page that was selected - in that case simply press the value key to toggle to the 'Seq' page.

By default, the 'Pc' track should be initialized with a crash cymbal (you can of course also select something else from the 'Pach' preset page).

Just like programming the other tracks, audition the note or slice you wish to use, and then hold write and press key 1-16 corresponding to the step you wish to program the note or slice on. Usually a crash cymbal sounds on the first beat, so let's program it onto step 1.

Keep holding the write button (or if you already let get, hold the step you just programmed until it starts blinking). While the step is blinking, press the value knob to cycle through the various step parameters you can change. The two parameters that are relevant to conditional triggering are 'when' and 'do'.

The 'when' parameter specifies the condition that needs to be satisfied. By default that condition is 'awys' (always), meaning that your Woovebox will always trigger the step. For our crash cymbal we would like the 'when' condition to something that only triggers once every four playthroughs. With the 'when' parameter selected, turn the value knob until you have found the '1of4' condition.

You can now let go of the step and/or write button you were holding. Press play to hear the crash cymbal play just once and remain silent for the following three other playthroughs.

You are, of course, not just limited to simple playback triggering. The 'do' parameter allows for a great number of modifications that can be made conditionally. We won't list them all here, however it is useful to note that there are generally two versions of each conditional modification. The ones with a dot at the end (for example "SldE." vs "SldE") won't playback at all unless the condition is met. The ones without the dot at the end will play back normally if the condition is not met, and will play back the step modified if the condition is met.

Just 16 steps (one pattern), conditionally triggered over 16 bars

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