11. ch.t2 Chorus Time 2
Time delay 2 between original signal and output signal. Chorus unit will bounce between chorus time 1 ("ch.t1") and chorus time 2 ("ch.t2") according to speed ("ch.SP").
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- "Your Words Against My Words" Song SYX (under Example songs and patches .SYX files)
- Songs (under The very basics)
To select a song to work on, hold play and press 1-16 to select Song 1-16.
- 7. dL.Wd Delay 2 Width (under EFct (global song-wide multi-effects) page)
Delay between left and right channel "ping-pong" for delay unit 2.
- 6. dL.Fb Delay 2 Feedback (under EFct (global song-wide multi-effects) page)
- 10. ch.t1 Chorus Time 1 (under EFct (global song-wide multi-effects) page)
Time delay 1 between original signal and output signal.