- Arranging and building your song
- Arranging techniques and tips
Arranging techniques and tips
Arranging techniques and tips
There are no set rules for arranging songs, however in general, variation is key to keep the listener's attention.
A great technique is the "two loop rule" by Alex Rome - please give his YouTube channel some love. In a nutshell, the techniques calls for changing something every two loops of the chords (on the Woovebox with default settings/speed for the chord track, two loops equals 8 bars). Of course, the Woovebox' powerful conditional triggering already tends to make sure that changes take place regularly.
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- "Your Words Against My Words" Song SYX (under Example songs and patches .SYX files)
- Patterns / Pttn page (under Guides, tutorials and docs)
However it is possible to modify this speed (see "b.div"/"BPM div" parameter on the "Pttn" page) on a per-pattern basis.
- Tracks (under Guides, tutorials and docs)
"A4" / "all-purpose/auxiliary 4"; anything extra you might need in your song.
- Mastering (under Guides, tutorials and docs)
Use the master compressor / limiter to level out global loudness.
- Create a final track with Song mode (under Quick start guide and video)
If you wish to use your Woovebox for full song production, the device comes with a powerful dedicated Song mode.