Set song BPM

Set your new song's tempo (in beats-per-minute or "BPM"). In this case, the BPM setting lives under the 1/Cd button in Song (Global/"Glob") mode. To change a parameter or setting like "BPM";

  • Hold the button 1-16 that corresponds to the parameter or setting.
  • Turn the value knob left or right to change the parameter or setting's value.

To discover more parameters and settings and the values they are set to, simply short-press any of the 1-16 buttons that have their corresponding LED lit. Any buttons that do not have their LED lit do not have a setting or parameter associated with them. To get a longer, 8-character description of a parameter or setting, long-press the button.

For now, it is enough to know that your BPM setting flows through to the tempo of many things, from LFO speed divisors to the delay effects and even auto-time stretching of samples (if you so choose); a change in BPM will never throw off any tempo-based aspects of your song.

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