2. L2.Md LFO 2 Mode

Specifies a pitch LFO source for oscillator two, and how this source should be quantized (if at all). A number of modes are available;

  • nrML ("normal"); no quantization is applied
  • Chrd ("chord"); quantization is performed to the pitch of the nearest playing chord note. This mode is particularly useful to create chip tune "fake chord" arpeggios.
  • Scal ("scale"); quantization is performed to the pitch of the nearest note of the selected song scale.
  • Octv ("octave"); quantization is performed to the pitch of the nearest note of an octave (12 semitones).
  • nrM.1 ("normal, use LFO 1"); LFO 1 is applied to oscillator two and no quantization is applied
  • Chd.1 ("chord, use LFO 1"); LFO 1 is applied to oscillator two, and quantization is performed to the pitch of the nearest playing chord note. This mode is particularly useful to create chip tune "fake chord" arpeggios.
  • Scl.1 ("scale, use LFO 1"); LFO 1 is applied to oscillator two, quantization is performed to the pitch of the nearest note of the selected song scale.
  • Oct.1 ("octave, use LFO 1"); LFO 1 is applied to oscillator two, quantization is performed to the pitch of the nearest note of an octave (12 semitones).

Note that applying LFO 1 to oscillator two by choosing one of the nrm.1, Chd.1, Scl.1 or Oct.21settings is a quick and convenient way to apply the same LFO to both Osc1 and Osc2 oscillators. The freeing up of one of the LFOs this way may be used in future versions of the firmware for enhanced sound design capabilities.

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