- Sound design
- Envelope generators
Envelope generators
Oscillator 1 and 2, as well as the filter come with an ADSR (attack, decay, sustain, release) envelope generator for amplitude and frequency cut off respectively;
- Attack (AtK.1/ATtK.2/Attk) defines the time it takes (in milliseconds) to ramp up from 0 full amplitude.
- Decay (dcy.1/dcy.2/dcay) defines the time it takes (in milliseconds) to ramp down from full amplitude to sustain level.
- Sustain (SuS.1/Sus.2/Sust) defines the level at which the amplitude or filter frequency should hold for the duration of the note.
- Release (rLS.1/rLS.2/rLSE) defines the time it takes (in milliseconds) to ramp down from full sustain level to 0.
Please note that the strength and nature of the envelope generators can be further shaped by other parameters;
- For the Amplitude Envelope Generator for oscillator 1 and 2, the strength ("depth") of the respective envelope generators can be controlled by 'AEG.d' on the Osc1/Osc2 pages. A negative number yields an exponential (power of two) response instead of a linear response.
- For the Frequency cut-off Envelope Generator, the strength ("depth") of the respective envelope generators can be controlled by 'FEG.d' on the FLtr page. A negative number yields an exponential (power of two) response instead of a linear response.
- For the Frequency cut-off Envelope Generator, the 'C2dc' parameter feeds the final filter cut-off level generated by the FEG and FLFO to the AEG1 and AEG2's decay, shortening the decay of both AEGs as the filter closes, while lengthening it as the filter opens. This technique is often used in the Trance genre to build tension during filter sweeps.
Context menu
The following context menu options are available on a track's 'AMPL' page;
- 'Copy 1to2'; copies all oscillator 1 Amplitude Envelope Generator ('AEG') settings (including depth) to oscillator 2's AEG.
- 'Copy 2to1'; copies all oscillator 2 AEG settings (including depth) to oscillator 1's AEG.
You may also be interested in...
- 11. SuSt Filter Envelope Generator Sustain (under Filter page)
- Filter page (under Filters)
- 7. C2dc Filter cutoff to decay (under Filter page)
Using the C2dc parameter, the filter cut-off can be made to influence AEG decay.
- 8. C2EF Filter to effects (under Filter page)
Using the C2EF parameter, the filter cut-off can be made to influence the effect sends to reverb and delay 1.
- 10. dcAy Filter Envelope Generator Decay (under Filter page)