1. WaVE waveform selection

The waveform that should be used as a sound source for the oscillator. Choose from;

  • 'NOIS'; white noise
  • 'Sin1'; sine wave
  • 'Sin2'; dual sine wave with one sine wave playing at double frequency (e.g. one octave higher)
  • 'Sin7'; dual sine wave, with perfect fifth ratio (e.g. one sine wave 7 semitones transposed)
  • 'SiP1, 'SiP2'; see paraphonic parts documentation
  • 'Tri1'; triangle wave
  • 'Tri2'; dual triangle wave with one triangle wave playing at double frequency (e.g. one octave higher)
  • 'Tri7'; dual triangle wave, with perfect fifth ratio (e.g. one triangle wave 7 semitones transposed)
  • 'TrP1', 'TrP2'; see paraphonic parts documentation
  • 'Saw1'; saw wave
  • 'Saw2'; dual saw wave with one saw wave playing at double frequency (e.g. one octave higher)
  • 'Saw7'; dual saw wave, with perfect fifth ratio (e.g. one saw wave 7 semitones transposed)
  • 'SwP1', 'SwP2'; see paraphonic parts documentation
  • 'Sqr1'; square wave
  • 'Sqr2'; dual square wave with one square wave playing at double frequency (e.g. one octave higher)
  • 'Sqr7'; dual square wave, with perfect fifth ratio (e.g. one square wave 7 semitones transposed)
  • 'SqP1', 'SqP2'; see paraphonic parts documentation
  • 'SSw1'; seven saw waves, heavily detuned
  • 'SSw2'; seven saw waves, moderately detuned
  • 'SSw3'; seven saw waves, lightly detuned
  • 'SSw4'; seven saw waves, very lightly detuned
  • 'FS01'; factory sample kit
  • 'US01' - 'US16'; user sample kit - use the 'SL.SL' (slice select) parameter to further specify a specific sample slice if required
  • 'In12'; audio in (3.5mm jack), summed into mono signal
  • 'In1 '; audio in (3.5mm jack), left channel only as mono signal
  • 'In 2; audio in (3.5mm jack), right channel only as mono signal
  • 'Dly1'; delay unit 1 output
  • 'Dly2'; delay unit 2 output

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