Switch to the kick drum track

Hold the Value button and short-press the 5/Ki button. This switches to the chord (Cd) track. In the same way, you can switch to other tracks (1/Cd-13/A5), back to Song mode, to Live mode, or switch to the Sampler.

Let's program our first sounds.

Hold the value button and short-press the 5/Ki button. This switches to the kick drum (Ki) track. In the same way, you can switch to other tracks (1/Cd-13/A5), back to Song mode, to Live mode, or switch to the Sampler.

Playing key 1-16 will now sound variations of the currently selected (default) kick drum patch.

If you don't like the current kick drums, you can either select another preset, randomize a preset ("rand Pach" in the Pach page context menu) or sound-design your own.

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