Arbitrary pulse width and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

Pulse widths of arbitrary duration, as well as pulse width modulation can be achieved by using the ring modulation ('rinG') algorithm.

Set the oscillator one and two produce square waves of equal volumes.

A classic pulse width modulation can be achieved by using the ring modulation ('rinG') algorithm. Set phase start and phase range

The pulse width (duty cycle) can be selected by modifying phase start of one of the oscillators. NES duty cycles are Phase Start 4, 8, 16 and 24. Use 0 or 32 for full square waves. The pulse channels may be effected by AEG decay or release (but not both). When applying AEG decay or release, make sure to apply to both. Set AEG response to exponential (negative values for AEG1 Depth and AEG2 Depth).

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