DSP usage and warnings

Pushing the device, for example by having complex sounds playing on auxilliary tracks A6, A7 and A8 as well as on all the other tracks simultaneously, may approach saturation of the DSP resources.

When this happens, the LEDs and screen will increase in brightness, as if your Woovebox is "heating up".

In mild DSP saturation cases, the device lowers calculation precision slightly for a few milliseconds so that it could catch up with demand. The effect of this on the audio quality is imperceptible in most cases.In more severe cases, however, the device will do its very best, but may no longer guarantee audio throughput and that popping/crackling artifacts may start occurring.

Note that transitions in Live mode or Song mode where certain tracks are toggled off and others are toggled on will be the most at risk of DSP overload; the toggled-off tracks may still be playing their sound's decay or release stage, while the new tracks are already sounding their attack. This temporary overlap of playing voices will cause the DSP to work extra hard.

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