- Sampler
- Adding samples via Wooveconnect
- Sampling sounds from the audio input
- Re-sampling the internal synthesizer
- Vocoder
- Working with slices
- Auto-slicing
- Real-time pitch and time warping
- Amen chop tutorial
- Multi-sampled instruments
- Using samples and kits in your songs
- Using single-cycle AKWF samples
- Using Amiga Tracker samples
- Using Teenage Engineering OP-1 / OP-Z sample kits
- Backing up sample kits
- Auto-space reclaimer
- Limitations
- Sampler
- Working with slices
Working with slices
When you import a sample into a kit, it is appended to any existing sample for that kit to become one new long "master" sample.
A slice is a part of a master sample that can be triggered individually. You can have up to sixteen slices in a kit. Slices can play at different pitches, can be looped, and can even be played backwards.
Creating slices out of a master sample - whether manually or automatically - does not cost any extra sample memory. For example, you can have multiple slices playing the same part of the master sample, but slightly different; one slice can start a bit earlier, one a bit later, another may be playing in reverse, another may use pitch shifting or time stretching, etc. In other words, slices are instructions on how to play part(s) of the master sample, but they do not consume further sample memory.
Slices are automatically created for any samples you import/append to the kit's master sample. Slices can also automatically be created by using one of the auto slicer modes from the context menu.
You can audition slices by pressing their corresponding 1-16 buttons. The last played slice will slow-blink, signifying any slice-specific operations you choose from the context menu will apply to that slice.
For example, you can clone a slice into the next available slot by making sure the slice you wish to clone is slow-blinking (by pressing its button at least once), and then invoking the "clone slice" (CLnE Slic) option in the context menu. A successful cloning of your selected slice will report "into" followed by the number of the slot it was cloned into.
Deleting a slice works similarly to cloning a slice - select the slice to delete first and then invoke the "delete slice" (dLtE Slic) option in the context menu.
Slices can be manually fine-tuned and edited in much the same way editing of a step works in the sequencer, or editing of a track works in the live (or song) mode;
Just like editing a step in Track edit mode or editing track parameters when editing a song fragment, you can hold an active (lit up) slice's key (1/Cd-16/A8) until it blinks and then cycle through the parameters you can change by short pressing the value knob.
Still holding the slice's key (1/Cd-16/A8), you can change the parameter by turning the value knob
Much like multi-step or multi-track editing, multi-slice editing is also possible; hold Write and press all the 1/Cd through 16/A8 slices you wish to edit. Keep holding write and cycle through the parameters by short-pressing the value knob. Still write, you can change the parameter for all selected slices by turning the value knob
Per slice, you can change the following parameters;
- 'St.C' ('Start Coarse'); coarse starting point adjustment.
- 'St.F' ('Start Fine'); fine starting point adjustment.
- 'En.C' ('End Coarse'); coarse end point adjustment.
- 'En.F' ('End Fine'); fine endpoint adjustment.
- 'Mode'; playback mode override, identical to the 9/PL.Md/PLay ModE (playback mode) parameter on a track's Osc1/Osc2 pages. Any behavior specified here will override the Play Mode on a track's Osc1/Osc2 pages, but only if track behavior 7/bEhv/trak bEhv on a track's 'GLob' (track globals) page is set to 'SMPk' (sample kit) and 15/SL.SL/Slce Slct (slice select) on the track's Osc1/Osc2 pages is set to Sl1-16 or one of the multi-sample modes.
- 'Warp'; pitch shift and time warp mode select.
- 'Pich'; pitch offset in semitones.
Start and end point positions are expressed as a percentage of the total master sample length. E.g. if you append a sample to the master sample, you will notice slices change their start and end position percentages, as the master sample has gotten longer.
You may also be interested in...
- Backing up sample kits (under Sampler)
To back up your sample kit, in the sampler, select your kit US.01-US.16 (hold play, and press 1-16).
- Using a multi-sampled instrument (under Using samples and kits in your songs)
These two multi-sample modes differ in the following way; 'MSM1' switches to the sample whose pitch is closest to the target pitch.
- Song Mode; where the full experience comes together (under Full song writing)
Going back and forth between song mode and track (pattern creation / sequencer) mode.
- The Woovebox “secret sauce” (under Full song writing)
That, wherever possible, your Woovebox tries to make musical sense of the fewer pieces of data.
- Create a final track with Song mode (under Quick start guide and video)
Much like editing notes on tracks, in a Song mode fragment you can hold an active (e.g. "lit up") track and edit a number of settings.
- Sampler
- Adding samples via Wooveconnect
- Sampling sounds from the audio input
- Re-sampling the internal synthesizer
- Vocoder
- Working with slices
- Auto-slicing
- Real-time pitch and time warping
- Amen chop tutorial
- Multi-sampled instruments
- Using samples and kits in your songs
- Using single-cycle AKWF samples
- Using Amiga Tracker samples
- Using Teenage Engineering OP-1 / OP-Z sample kits
- Backing up sample kits
- Auto-space reclaimer
- Limitations