- Guides, tutorials and docs
- Learning the Woovebox
- The very basics
- Quick start guide and video
- Tempo and BPM
- Tracks
- Patterns
- Live pattern recording
- Conditional triggering and modification
- Chords
- Arpeggios
- Scales and modes
- Full song writing
- Genres
- Presets
- Sound design
- Paraphonic parts
- Multi-instrument mode
- Risers, fallers, sweeps & ear candy
- Live mode
- Song mode
- Sampler
- Sidechaining, gating, ducking and compression
- Mastering
- Lo-fi & vintage analog and digital emulation
- Randomization
- Hall effect sensor playing
- Advanced techniques
- Undo
- Boot modes
- MIDI, Sync and connecting other gear
- Wireless MIDI over BLE
- Battery and charging
- Hardware quirks and limitations
- Understanding DSP load
- Looking after your Woovebox
- Firmware updates
- Patterns
- b.div
1. b.div BPM Divisor
Governs the speed at which the track steps through this pattern. The specified value is a divider, meaning that the default speed (as determined by the "BPM" setting in the Song settings) of is divided by the value; a divisor of 1 yields the default speed, a divisor of 2 doubles the time it takes for the pattern to be played, a divisor of 4 quadruples the time it takes for the pattern to be played and so on.
You may also be interested in...
- "Your Words Against My Words" Song SYX (under Example songs and patches .SYX files)
Demonstrated are; 100% real-time synthesized song from basic waveforms and white noise; strictly no samples were used for this track.
- 10. CM.rt Compressor Ratio (under Dynamics)
Specifies the compression ratio for signal above the threshold.
- Live jamming (under Performing with Live mode)
You can configure your patch on the 'Pich' (pitch) page; set Live Glide (LLGL) under 3/Ld to 'on'.
- Sidechaining (under Sidechaining, gating, ducking and compression)
A more subtle use of sidechaining, is using to help make specific tracks of your song cut through the mix.
- Method 1 (under Arpeggios)
The way the track reacts to the current chord being played, determines how any steps are translated into note pitches.
- Guides, tutorials and docs
- Learning the Woovebox
- The very basics
- Quick start guide and video
- Tempo and BPM
- Tracks
- Patterns
- Live pattern recording
- Conditional triggering and modification
- Chords
- Arpeggios
- Scales and modes
- Full song writing
- Genres
- Presets
- Sound design
- Paraphonic parts
- Multi-instrument mode
- Risers, fallers, sweeps & ear candy
- Live mode
- Song mode
- Sampler
- Sidechaining, gating, ducking and compression
- Mastering
- Lo-fi & vintage analog and digital emulation
- Randomization
- Hall effect sensor playing
- Advanced techniques
- Undo
- Boot modes
- MIDI, Sync and connecting other gear
- Wireless MIDI over BLE
- Battery and charging
- Hardware quirks and limitations
- Understanding DSP load
- Looking after your Woovebox
- Firmware updates