Cleaning the 1-16 keys

Normal usage in dry environments with clean hands, should not require servicing of the switches, and the switches are rated for 500K+ key presses each.

However, if oils or accidental moisture have penetrated the 1-16 switches preventing them from operating reliably, the switches can be cleaned and serviced like so;

  • Procure fresh 99.9% Isopropyl Alcohol (do not use any significantly lower grade or old stock) and some cotton swabs/buds (aka "Q-Tips").
  • Using the cotton swabs/buds, drip one or two drops of isopropyl alcohol onto the round black button and let it seep into the switch. Do not use large amounts.
  • Lightly press the button while wiggling it.
  • You may perform this procedure with the device turned on to observe triggering behavior.
  • Some multi-triggering may occur until the alcohol has evaporated completely.
  • Let the alcohol evaporate completely (this may take up to 24 hours).
  • Repeat as necessary until the keys work reliably.
  • Be patient and careful.

Do not use Isopropyl Alcohol any other parts of your Woovebox.

Please note that some harmless cosmetic "dulling" of the metal around the micro switches may occur with use over time. This is considered normal and does not require cleaning.

As a last resort, it is also possible to service the internals of the switches with some basic tools (and without soldering), however special care and precision is required. If this is ever required, please contact us for a guide.

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